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Regular exercise – including training for and participating in the National Veterans Wheelchair Games – can help our veterans with disabilities:

A woman in a wheelchair smiles and holds a colorful bowling ball with her right hand. She is wearing a green t-shirt, black jacket, and black pants. The background shows several people and bowling lanes.
  • Maintain body weight
  • Combat chronic health conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes
  • Gain energy
  • Sleep better
  • Improve mood and self-esteem
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Enjoy new experiences and new friendships
  • Counter the stigma of disability
  • Increase their likelihood of employment, with less absenteeism and more productivity

We want veterans with disabilities to feel empowered to apply what they learn at the Wheelchair Games to their daily lives. The experience can also help them meet therapist goals such as managing self-care while traveling, navigating new environments, and improving self-confidence.

Learn more the VA’s Adaptive Sports & Therapeutic Arts Rehabilitation Programs and PVA’s Adaptive Sports Program.